IWPG Global Region 2, support cooperation to hold Online event of the 5th International Loving Peace Art Competition in the Middle East region

Press Release
Report By. Numera Mohsin.

IWPG Global Region 2, support cooperation to hold Online event of the 5th International Loving Peace Art Competition in the
Middle East region

– Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, etc. in the Middle East
– About 90 children and teenagers participated under the theme of ‘Peace World Learning from Nature’

The International Women’s Peace Group Global Region 2 (IWPG, Global Region 2 Regional Director, Lee Seo-yeon) announced that with about 90 children and teenagers held Online event of the ‘5th International Loving Peace Art Competition’ for the Middle East region on 10th.

Under the theme of ‘A World of Peace Learned from Nature,’ this competition was participated through online by Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Palestine, Libya, and Syria, among the Middle East countries of IWPG Global region2. In particular, many students in Jordan participated in from schools and conveyed the heat of the field through the screen.

Amira Ali El Jama(Our Step Association,President) and Turia Fadi (MAFO Organization, Co Founder)
attended and made the event stand out.

‘The International Loving Peace Art Competition’ spreads the need for an end to global war and the value of a culture of peace to children and youth, who will be the leaders of the future. And it was planned to learn how to achieve peace in the peaceful natural order and to convey the message of peace of the upcoming world of peace through the pictures of children and teenagers. It is held every year in major cities around the world.

The Online competition started with an IWPG Introduction and activities and a congratulatory video by Turia Fadi and the competition was held with the support of teachers and parents in each region.

Turia Fadi(MAFO Organization, Co Founder) said, “The war in Libya left negative traces on children. I hope that children will participate in this event to leave footprints for peace and become peace builders in the future.”

Rodina Najeeb, a student from Libya (11 years old from Malak Idris Elementary School, Libya), who participated in the competition, said in an interview, “I am so happy to be able to participate in the competition. The reason I painted a white dove landing on the earth is to wish for peace throughout the world,” she explained about her painting.

Fatima zulnoon , a student from Saudi Arabia (Student of International schools Group Dammam KSA) said, “I drew a dove soaring over wild animals peacefully together. Just as animals can have a system of peace, I hope we humans can live peacefully too.”

A grand Prize, excellence Prize, encouragement Prize, and special prizes will be given to each school for awarding of this event. The best Pictures by country will be mailed to Korea, where the IWPG headquarters is located, and will go to the final judgement and the final award ceremony will be held in November. The award-winning works selected in the final round will also be produced as a catalog (a collection of award-winning works).

Meanwhile, IWPG is an NGO with Special Consultative Status of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and a women’s peace organization registered with the Department of Global Communications (DGC). IWPG’s vision is to protect precious lives from war and to pass down peace as a legacy to future generations with a mother’s heart. carrying out peace activities. To achieve, it is headquartered in Seoul, Korea, and is actively engaged in peace activities in solidarity with about 110 branches and 500 cooperative organizations .

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